Only one letter: in Hong Kong for almost $ 2 million they sold a license plate on the car

18 февраля 2025, 16:49 | Автомобили
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Hong Kong conducted an auction for the sale of rare license plates. And the most expensive in 2025 was a license plate with a single letter " Another record holder was the number with the numbers " About this writes Lifestyle Asia.

The auction was held on the occasion of the Lunar New Year.

In total, 49 registration signs were put up for sale, including 48 traditional registration signs (TVRM) and one new personalized vehicle registration mark (PVRM). The number 88 was in special demand, the starting rate was 2.82 million Hong Kong dollars. \?


Although the " According to the Automate Wealth Management, a license plate with the letter "

The numbers "






" The number 28 was purchased in 2016, and "

Other interesting license plates include "

Recall, hunting for unique license plates for cars occurs not only in Hong Kong. So, in the USA an exclusive license plate for a car, which costs $ 24.5 million, was put up for auction.

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