Exploitation of cars in severe frosts - what should drivers know

15 февраля 2025, 18:21 | Автомобили
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Severe frosts can be found by surprise of an unprepared motorist even in the middle of winter. For example, this year few expected that after the warm January in February, frosts would hit. To survive the cold without problems and cope with unpleasant surprises will allow useful tips and life hacks that focus collected.

It is worth refraining from visiting a car wash in severe frosts. The temperature difference is harmful to the paintwork, and rubber parts can suffer from it. For the same reason, do not defrost the car with boiling water.

In winter, it is better to refuel to the maximum, because in a half -empty tank condensate can form, which can fall into the fuel system and freeze at low temperatures. The result is a serious repair.

Of course, it’s nice to purchase locks of locks in advance in advance, but if it is not, you can use alcohol - apply it to the key and try to open a car.

The key can also be heated with a lighter before inserting into the lock. However, it is worth doing it carefully so as not to burn.

Before the cooling on the windows of the car, you can apply an aqueous solution of vinegar, and wipe the wipers with alcohol or lemon - these measures will prevent their freezing. The lateral rear-view mirrors can be packaged in zip packets.

If the windows are still covered with ice, but there is no scraper at hand, then it can be replaced by a conventional plastic banking or transport card.

Do not spare money for a winter concentrate for a washer, because it does not freeze even at extremely low temperatures. In addition, it will help if the washer is still frozen - it must be added to the tank.

So that the windows do not fog up, it is advisable to purchase a special tool that is applied to the glass. In case of its absence, you can use the usual shaving cream.

An effective remedy against fogging is a filler for a cat's toilet left in the cabin in bags of fabric. It acts as an absorbent and collects moisture.

Of course, the battery should be checked before the onset of cold weather, but even if it is working, it will not be superfluous to save it. Do not be lazy to remove it and transfer it to heat if the car remains on the street in a severe frost for the night.

Conventional cabrics from the passenger compartment can save if the car is stuck in the snow. They need to be placed under the wheels, which will give rubber clutch. Of course, then you will have to clean them, but this is a small fee for the fact that the car got out of the trap.

A small folding shovel, a lighter, a flashlight, a start-up device and a fluid supply for the washer will not be superfluous in the trunk in winter. If you have to often ride long distances, then it is worth taking a supply of water, a blanket, chemical heating pads and high -calorie foods (chocolate, nuts, etc..

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