Myth is scattered: gasoline Hyundai is no more expensive in content than Tesla

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For a long time we were convinced that more expensive electric cars on the background of other cars allow the owner to save in the future on cheap operation. Tesla was the driver of this myth, but in fact, gasoline Hyundai and Honda dispelled misconception.

According to CARSCOOPS, SELF experts calculated the annual operating expenses of modern cars. What is included in the cost of ownership? Fuel costs (or charging in the case of EV), insurance, maintenance and taxes.

The average industry was determined at 6462 dollars. The most expensive car in this regard is Chevrolet Tahoe with $ 8644. But more interesting is that in practice, electric cars did not demonstrate tangible benefits.

The cost of operating cars per year: it is obvious that in the first five cars are very close in terms of the cost of annual operation. The difference of $ 40-200 can be called an error that completely destroys the myth of the absolute cheapness of the operation of electric cars.

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