Who parked wrong? Find the traffic violator

Сегодня, 09:21 | Автомобили
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The problem of parking in Ukrainian cities arises not only due to the lack of space where you can park your car. In many ways, it is created by drivers who violate traffic regulations regarding proper parking..

Test your knowledge of the relevant rules with a test published by the YouTube channel \! " You need to carefully study the picture and answer which car driver violated the rules by parking the car.

Here are the answer options from which you need to choose the correct one:.

To give the correct answer, you need to pay attention that the section of the road where the cars are parked is located in a residential area. This is indicated by sign 5. 35 "

However, it is important to remember that both residential and pedestrian zones are areas where vehicle drivers are subject to certain parking requirements. In the case of this particular problem, everything is solved by only one clause of the current traffic rules. Namely paragraph 26. 2, which prohibits the following in residential areas:.

So, we immediately see that the driver of the red car is breaking the rules, because his engine is running. The driver of the blue car also violates this rule, because he parked on the road and thereby made it impossible for not only special vehicles to pass through, but also any transport in general.. And the driver of the white car decided to park on the sidewalk, which means he also broke the rules.

Thus, every single driver is a violator in this problem.. The correct answer is number six.

По материалам: youtube.com

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