Even in slight frost, the car window can become covered with a crust of ice and precious time is wasted on cleaning it.. However, there are simple and inexpensive ways to quickly defrost glass. The Sun spoke about them.
If the car does not have a heated windshield, it will take quite a long time to defrost it.. Of course, you can use a scraper, but in this case there is a risk of scratching the glass and then spending money on polishing it.
Lemon will help you defrost your car glass quickly.. You need to squeeze out its juice, and a little later rinse it off with warm water.. Citric acid will speed up the melting of ice and allow you to remove it faster.
Instead of lemon, you can use water with salt dissolved in it, because it has a lower freezing point than fresh water.
To prevent ice from forming on the car glass, you should treat it overnight with an alcohol solution, vinegar or potato juice (rub with cut potatoes). These substances also freeze at very low temperatures. You can also leave a terry towel on the windshield - it will absorb moisture and prevent it from freezing.
Previously, Focus told how to quickly defrost glass washer.
We also wrote about an unusual method of combating glass fogging.